By Anonymous - 22/09/2015 05:09 - United States - Boston

Today, I tried to be nice and let a homeless man have a place to crash for the night. He repaid me by pissing all over my new couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 644
You deserved it 23 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

princessbloky 12
A07 48

Didn't you show him where the toilet was?


If I've learned anything from this site it's to never try to be nice to homeless people

I've thought about doing that then I remind myself Elizabeth Smart was abducted by a homelessness man her parents invited to their house - albeit only for a few days work. Sorry to hear your kindness was repaid with pee

I understand the kind gesture and good intentions, but I've seen so many investigation/homicide shows where the homeless guy staying the night kills the person letting them in for money or whatever. Please be careful!

Homeless or not, don't invite strangers into your home.

... and this surprises you why? Most homeless people are homeless for a reason.

Mortoli 30

dont let strangers into your house hope lesson learned.

Abnormally moral. Good for you, you have two choices in life, the wise thing, or the right thing