By Anonymous - 22/09/2015 05:09 - United States - Boston

Today, I tried to be nice and let a homeless man have a place to crash for the night. He repaid me by pissing all over my new couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 644
You deserved it 23 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

princessbloky 12
A07 48

Didn't you show him where the toilet was?


As much as that seemed like a nice gesture, bad idea. He lives with a different view, and giving him food or warm clothing would have been a much better, and safer idea.

I'm sorry that happened . sometimes you try to put some faith back into humanity and it doesn't always work the way it should :/

**** homeless ppl, charity starts at home in my family

That was a really nice thing of you to do OP, sorry it went awry

That was really nice of you but very risky. He could've done much worse than pee on your sofa. Maybe next time stick to buying him food and/or warm clothes

I applaud your kindness OP but the guy could've been anyone. Jesus, he could've attacked you.

I hate to sound cruel and unforgiving, but houseless people out on the street like that are very well capable of getting on their feet and getting a job. The only reason they haven't gotten a job is because they've gotten to the point of no return: where the only thing they spend that charity money on is drugs and alcohol. It makes me sad, but it's the truth.

No offence, but you don't seem to know a lot about addictions and other psychological problems. Not saying all homeless people have them, but with a severe case you often can't just 'get on your feet'. Not to mention that a lot of bosses probaly won't employ them.

Don't speak on something you have no idea about. Which obviously you don't. Many people are homeless because they couldn't get a job and money ran out. And then who is going to hire a homeless person, hm? They get screwed. Some might be homeless because of addiction, but some might develop an addiction after becoming homeless because they're in a shit situation. Not to mention the amount of kids kicked out or kids who ran away.

I rented a homeless couple a motel room for a night & they took the key deposit the next day to buy drugs with. I've been homeless before myself a couple of times (never urinated on the sofa, stole from them or disrespected anyone's kindness you never know what circumstances makes a person homeless, mine was out of my control. I had 2 shallow relationships/fake friends/ douchey family/ a woman I rented a room from who was mad that I wouldn't date her kick me out just to make me suffer). I've also let a friend (a guy I knew for years) who was homeless at the time spend a few nights at my house & he peed on my couch also...turns out when he's had even 2 cans of beer, he pees himself in his sleep & he has been kicked out of many other friends places as well as my sisters place because he slept in her car & peed there too (they used to date years ago)'s hit & miss. Still I'd rather rent a cheap room for a night again before I'd go through 3+ hours of steam cleaning my sofa every other day. I applaud OP's intentions, but letting a total stranger into my house would fall under the "do I take a 50/50 chance of being murdered" category.

Why the **** do homeless people always do stupid shit like this?

shutupmeg20 8

Well ain't that a wicked pissah!