By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 23:14 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, I tried to be seductive to get intimate with my boyfriend. He commented on how sexy I looked, and how badly he wanted me, then asked me to move because I was blocking the TV, and the World Cup match he was watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 257
You deserved it 17 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joefrazier 20

Well... It is the World Cup.

Something tells me that an infinite number of women an relate to this FML these days!


Oh no! Your partner is not in the mood when you are? He must wonder what that feels like.

You need to choose your moments when doing this sort of thing.

looks like you crossed the line he shouldn't have left you without spraying a line (that white foam) next to the tv

Well, what did you expect?? It's the World Cup! Furthermore, he's such a gentleman that DESPITE YOU BLOCKING THE WORLD CUP, he complimented you. He's a keeper.

That's when you go play with yourself and no matter how much he begs you don't let him join you.

You know your man got a huge interest in football, save yourself the frustration and seduce him between the matches and not during. Its like a test "What do you like more, me or football? " and then feel sorry for yourself when he would rather do it at a more suitable time for him.

why would you distract your bf while he's watching the world cup, how selfish