By Patricia - 01/10/2011 23:30 - United States

Today, I tried to have sex with my boyfriend three times, but every time he insisted that he wasn't in the mood. I left to get food and when I came home, he was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 573
You deserved it 5 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch, I would throw his food away and tell him to buy his own shit from now on!

You should've taken over and saved him some work. ;)


to be honest, i've done the same for a few times. having sex takes at least 1 hour (foreplay cuddling talking and everything) and the good part (when i recieve sexual pleasure) is just about 5-10 minutes. while if i **********, the whole thing is over with cleanup and catching breath in maximum 10 minutes.

So apparently he was not in the mood for you.