By Abandoned - 09/03/2009 05:50 - United States

Today, I tried to surprise my parents by coming home from college for Spring Break. I arrived to find a dark house, with all the doors bolted shut. After calling them, I found out that they have gone on a vacation to Hawaii for a week. I am now locked out of my own house, with no where to stay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 827
You deserved it 13 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you don't have a key to your own house? that's kind of sad.


At least you still have Internet access.

no1 believes this b/s story yr retarded

If the doors are bolted shut, how are your parents going to get back in?

that sucks man. that's why I always call ahead before I go home.

skatingweasel 0

#15 bolted shut means they are locked

Oh, OK. I was thinking that there was a chain on the door or something. It still sounds fake. How do you not have keys to your house?

ohhh my... How old are you???? Why don't you have your own house's keys??? C'mon...

Maybe OP's parents changed the locks...

To #3, not everyone has the money to go away for spring break. Or maybe they have a really good relationship with their parents and haven't seen them in some time. So your insensitive, loser comment is fail.

Stop judging if you lack information. They could have done some renovations since Christmas, and had a new front door installed, and were going to give hime a key next time they saw him. Maybe they have a chain on the door (they make some that you can lock from the outside, with only one or two keys) because they were leaving for a while. Maybe he lost his key, or just doesn't carry his house key around on his set when he's in school cause he doesn't use it, and forgot it in his dorm room before leaving. Maybe his parents moved since he started college, and they don't live close to his childhood friends anymore. And you're all lucky people if your family lives close, but my own uncles and aunts and cousins are all scattered across the province, and the closest one lives an hour away. I think his life really is f***ed,

You don't have a key to your house and your parents dont tell you they are going to Hawaii? How are you on a comp? Just go to a friends house... but if your parents don't like you enough to give u a key to their house or tell you they are going on vacation, I guess you probably don't have friends...jsut go back to school the same way you got home..