By Anonymous - 10/07/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I turned 23. I had asked my mom for some things to decorate my new place. As I opened the box to reveal my gift, a mirror was inside. I liked the mirror. I did not like the note attached that said "Look inside the mirror to see who is now 100% financially responsible for themselves." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 460
You deserved it 19 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't mean to be rude, but if you're 23, you should be financially responsible for yourself. YDI.

Give it back to her when she needs a loan.


you're only learning this now? ..bout time!

Sorry dude, nobody likes you when you're 23 :/

And you still act like you're still in freshman year... i'm hoping that was a blink 182 reference hahaah

If its your birthday, than that is a lousy birthday present. Everyone deserves those, no matter the age.

I feel for you. That's something my mum would probably do. At least you got a mirror! :)

somehand95 0

LOL , you're supposed to be financially responsible for yourself from the age of 18

kira822_fml 0

She's right, but she's should know that birthdays don't count. My parents are 100% responcible for themselves an me an they still get presents. She could have gotten you a lamp or a picture or something.

Birthdays don't count. If you're a mooch though, you know... I can see some parents doing this to their kid.

You people who are talking about "financially responsible at 18" are out of your ******* minds. All of you. Secondly, this is definitely a FYL, because it appears you asked for some useful items for your BIRTHDAY, and your mother wigged out with a screed on being financially responsible for yourself? That's sad. From one 23 year old to another, I feel your pain.

How is being financially responsible at 18 not reasonable? I know plenty of people who got kicked out of their houses and into the real world at 18. OP needs to man up and take responsibility for his own livelihood.

notapplicable123 0

I think mooching off of the parents' food, electricity, etc. for 5 years more than most kids are able to was a pretty nice gift.

I'm 19 and not financially responsible yet, but everything I make goes into savings. That way when I am 23 I can support myself. Being that old and relying on your parents is just embarrassing.

I agree. Plenty of people who go to college still rely on their parents for tuition or rent help. I'm in medical school at 24 and still dependent on my parents (and a ridiculous amount of financial aid debt) because you can't work while in medical school. Parents are supposed to save money to help their children through college. If you can't do that, don't have kids. And besides, this was supposed to be a birthday gift. She shouldn't have been such a bitch about it. If she didn't want to get him all the furniture he asked for, fine, but at least get him a gift and sit down with him later and tell him why he didn't get everything he wanted. That's not an appropriate setting for his mom to have done that. On her next birthday, tell her you didn't get her anything because she's financially responsible for herself. Gifts are supposed to be a nice gesture of appreciation for you on your birthday. Not an opportunity to teach someone a lesson.

carrie84 0

I got cut off at 19, so I dont feel bad for you. time to start saving.

shewasalmost18 0

at least you got a free mirror..