By Anonymous - 10/07/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, I turned 23. I had asked my mom for some things to decorate my new place. As I opened the box to reveal my gift, a mirror was inside. I liked the mirror. I did not like the note attached that said "Look inside the mirror to see who is now 100% financially responsible for themselves." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 460
You deserved it 19 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't mean to be rude, but if you're 23, you should be financially responsible for yourself. YDI.

Give it back to her when she needs a loan.


boilerup 0

I'm totally going to use that on my children!! Your mom is so clever!

boilerup 0

p.s. I'm 23, have my own apartment and at 22 I bought my own car... Financial responsibility is not far-fetched at that age.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

I clicked YDI by accident. D: I'm sorry! :3 FYL. that was reaaally mean of your mom though. they coulda

ohJeeznotme 7

You are 23 years old ffs. College is over. If you are enough of an adult to move out then you can take care of yourself. Eat some Ramen for a while. You need to grow up sometime.

Youre_not_sorry7 2

Today I was told at 23 that I'm an adult. But I don't wanna! FML

LegndNikko 0

Wow, FYL because you actually have to pay for yourself now? You must've been spoiled rotten.

Only people who are 23 or older should be allowed to comment on this one. Everyone PLANS to be out and about by 23. Half of us don't.

Agreed. If you're a teenager who hasn't experienced the real world yet, you can knock it off with all that childish "eeeeek you still live with your parents??? what a loser" shit. It's more difficult to be independent at a young age today. And if you're 18 and on your own - congrats, here's a cookie. Just stop judging other people because their situation is different than yours.

your 23 GET OVER IT. I was financially responsible for myself when I was 18. you're an adult ******* act like one

At least she was able to help you out this long. Lots of parents can't do that. Man up.