By Anonymous - 07/05/2013 20:17 - United States - Canton

Today, I turned 35. Because I'm still single, my sister bought me a cat to help start my "inevitable collection." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 078
You deserved it 6 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HandaPitler 1

Better to have no man than a shitty one.


My cousin is older than you and just got married last month so don't lose hope! Maybe you will meet a fellow cat owner now!

This is true! And there are SO many celebs and comedians too who are wonderful but single.. Benedict Cumberbatch, Jon Richardson, Stephen Fry etc :) I think Colin Morgan might be single too and Wentworth Miller but not sure :)

Lizardgirl 7

The traditional custom is one cat for every year.

As long as you don't get 20 cats like some other lonely people

razzledazzle21 23

Who said she's lonely? Just because you're single doesn't mean you're all alone, family and friends help quite nicely with that!

Psh, who needs diamonds; cats are a girls best friend. (:

seriouslygenuine 10

hey if its a kitten you can't really stay mad, they're so cute.

At least you're not like deathly allergic to cats or something, making this FML 10 times worse :O

Just wait, in five years you'll be spending all your money on cat food and eating nothing but yogurt as a girl spies on you from your skylight and writes terrible things about you in her diary

mansen 15

harriet the spy! ??? if I remember my childhood books correctly. But I may be wrong. Age has made my memory....what?

I guess I missed out on that book :/

wow, makes me think back on fond memories... but now that i really think of it. she wasnt a very nice kid. LOL

Well,I'm single too,and much youger so if you are cute and smart..maybe we could...