By Anonymous - 07/05/2013 20:17 - United States - Canton

Today, I turned 35. Because I'm still single, my sister bought me a cat to help start my "inevitable collection." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 078
You deserved it 6 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HandaPitler 1

Better to have no man than a shitty one.


The comment from your sister was unnecessary, but cats are cute :) Dw OP, you'll find someone! And Happy Birthday :D

Your sister is a bitch. There are people much older than that who are single. You'll find your special someone if you want to, OP. Maybe in the meantime your cat can become famous on the internet.

Cats are great companions...other than the litter box but I would get on just for fun and when you marry that millionaire doctor husband you can shove it in her face.

Being married and getting a husband should not be the main goal in life!!

Thank you! Everyone has his/her own goals, so trying to conform to one's model of how life should be spent is counter-intuitive.

Quiet_one 22

If you don't want/can't keep the cat, you can still try to find a better home for it (please don't just abandon it). Try to find places you can advertise it. Vet's offices sometimes have a bulletin board for lost/found pets and pets that need new homes, so that might be a good place to start.

There is nothing wrong with being 35 and single. You're just waiting for the right one. Never settle.

absolutely nothing wrong with 35 and single. and now you have a cat with you! when you find the right one and bring him over, you'll be adding one to the house. if he's allergic, just give the cat back to your sister.

Call him fluffy no matter if he isn't fluffy. Its just a cute name for a kitty