This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Katie1921 - 09/02/2016 02:52 - United States - New York

Today, I tutored a third grade girl after school. She was squirming so much I thought she had to go to the bathroom. Turns out, she was just masturbating on the corner of a school chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 331
You deserved it 1 824

Katie1921 tells us more.

Hi guys- OP here! To answer a few questions and concerns people have said- 1. I did not tell the girl's parents - I do not have a close relationship with them other than a few "hi"s and talking about the girl's homework, also I am a high school student myself and I do not know how to handle that situation at all 2. I knew she was masturbating because she stuck her hands down her pants a few times anddd... I'm not gonna go into details, but it was pretty obvious

Top comments

these comments bother me. stuff like this has always happened we just didn't have things like the internet to share it. the kid might not have even known what she was doing, just that it felt good.


I feel like people are freaking out because of the wording used. Masturbation is something most people do, and most deny. A child of this age probably does not know what she is doing is anything more than something that feels good. Everybody who is saying she is abused needs to calm down, I understand the concern but before you call CPS think back to your childhood, you probably did the same thing. Personally I use to stradle the arm of a couch and rock side to side because it felt good. I didn't know why it did, all I knew was that it felt good. It wasn't for many years that I realized why it felt good. And BTW, I was never abused in any way shape or form. I did it because I am a human person that has nerve endings in my private areas that trigger the pleasure centers in my brain when rubbed. Nerve endings that have been there since birth. So please everybody calm down, this child did nothing wrong, all she did was wiggle. Saying she masturbated indicates that she knew what exactly she was doing.

What I want to know, OP, is how you figured out she was masturbating and not just squirming around.

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

did she say it was a pleasure being in your classroom!

aeryn97 17

Maybe she has a yeast infection and it's extremely itchy?

It's only disturbing if she continues after being told it's not allowed in public. Around 8, A female friend and I experimented once or twice and by that I mean copying what we saw in movies. Kissing, touching, humping against things. A once off thing, we got bored as we didn't see the big deal and didnt feel much, and quickly dropped it. We knew enough that our parents were not meant to know. In at least my defense, I started my period at 9, and puberty begins a few years before that, so I had some very slight confusing urges but was able to ignore until later as far as regular masturbation. It's normal for kids to explore their body or what feels good, but again, guide them by telling them to not do it around others and don't allow anyone else to touch and and tell an adult right away if so. Ever notice toddlers and such random grabbing down there abdthey havent pottied and sin't have any rash or infection?

Isa_fml 20

That is pretty normal, tbh. Kids discover their genitals early, and it's not a big deal. Most kids understand when and where it's appropriate by this girl's age, but it is still normal. I know it's a sort of delicate situation, but is there anyone you can talk to discreetly about it? A parent or caregiver maybe? That way someone close to her might be able to explain that while it isn't bad to do things that feel nice, you should do it when you're alone. A few people have mentioned the potential for sexual abuse, but it doesn't seem like to much of a concern. Yes, precocious sexual behaviour is a sign, but it tends to be precocious sexual behaviour towards others, or a knowledge of sexuality that is inappropriate for the child's age.

We're all just assuming she doesn't know that it's inappropriate, but she very well could. What is she, 8? Yeah, I've met some 8 year olds and they've been exposed to the Internet more than I ever did at such a young age. So I wouldn't actually be surprised if she DID know what she was doing.