By Snorlax - 13/04/2013 04:25 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I uploaded a cute photo of my boyfriend and me on Facebook. Ten minutes later, his friend commented: "Dude! You're supposed to capture the Snorlax, not date it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 708
You deserved it 14 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Woah. Harsh much. There is no need for his friend to be so rude. Clearly he is insensitive whereas I'm sure your boyfriend is able to see past that-considering he is dating you. As rough as it is, try and look past it? It's a reflection on him, not you.


If your boyfriend didn't stick up for you I hope you didn't just turn a blind eye to this. That was really out of line, his friends should respect his decisions, what ever happened to "if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all"

#12 Well, between that and the golden rule its pretty much out the window, there just isn't respect any more

Llamacod 11

The golden rule is actually: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It has nothing to do with "if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all"

Well 61 most people wouldn't want to be insulted so I feel it's implied by the golden rule. Unless of course you are one of those people that does enjoy being insulted in which case carry on.

MrClean17 15

My friends get me in more trouble with my girlfriend than I do

Well that makes sense, all the other cleaning products are jealous of your cleaning skills!

Your reply: "Well, he's always done things his own way... Most people would just have thrown away an anal douchebag, not befriended it."

Sorry, but it's my boyfriend and me.

But I am not, ma'am. My apologies. The "my" after today is also unnecessary. The mods really dropped the ball on this one.

CharresBarkrey 15

As someone who was taught to only use "___ and I," you just blew my mind, 15. I googled it and learned something new! So thanks.

21- A good way to tell if it should be "I" or "me" is to say it without the other party attached... Ex: I went to the store... Not me went to the store... And vice versa, ex: it was told to me... Not it was told to I. Lesson ended, carry on! ;)

Lizardgirl 7

^ I concur. Also, I love that profile pic!!! I have a bearded dragon too :)

Guess the word "diet" plays a role in your future.

Why? Because some snot nosed friend of her boyfriend decided to put a smart assed comment on a Facebook page?

No, because "MOST" people wouldn't make that reference if she didn't need to lose weight.

Vinnie, MOST people wouldn't need to make that reference if they just minded their damn business!

42-Not necessarily... Some people are just assholes...

She posted a public picture. As rude as the comment was, she accepted the right of free speech by those who can view it.

You haven't been around kids much, have you? Because, if you had, you would realize just how uninformed that comment was.

69, public or not. Free speech or not. The bfs friend didn't need to be rude like that. It was uncalled for. He should have just never commented to begin with. Also people like you need to stop using the "free speech" excuse to be assholes. There's a fine line between free speech and bullying. Just so you know.

It's like those people who say some horrible comment and then say; "just being honest!" Some people feel more adequate in their own skin once they have put someone down. I have never and will never tolerate assholes in my life. Rule of thumb; if they make you feel mad, bad or sad, flick em!!!

Dont take it to heart OP. Im sure it was just banter and his friend would have made a "funny" comment regardless of your appearance!

I agree. It's a popular past time to make "funny" comments on social sites...

BS. The comment was not funny at all and would only get laughs from juvenile twats.

JessiKitty_lol 7

Snorlax is the best Pokémon, though. Take it as a compliment (:

Snorlaxes do look very cute and cuddleable.

JessiKitty_lol 7

I have a Snorlax (well, a shiny Snorlax since I forgot he was blue-ish -_-) jacket that's very snuggly C:

This is not nice at all!! Dont mind him .. He's just another hater!

JessiKitty_lol 7

#25: did you never watch Pokémon in the 90's?

If you don't know what a snorlax is... get out. Seriously, just leave.

Get off the Internet. I know most of the first gen, and I wasn't even born when the first games were released

I'm a Pokemon OG. Don't make me go Garydos on yo ass.

27&41- perhaps #25 is from a different generation... If my children hadn't watched and played it, I probably would not have know what a snorlax is either. And isn't the Internet open to all? What grand wisdom do you posess of popular culture from other generations?

Llamacod 11

27 and 41 only, no one else complete this phrase: Now you know and knowing is half the battle. __ ___!!

RocketNinjaFish 12

46- my jolteon could beat your gyarados any day :) 25- snorlax evolves from munchlax. All it does is eat and sleep, but it's got some power when it wants to use it. I see the comment as a compliment :) I know all of 1st gen, and most of the others since then :)

Well, 80, in that case, I guess I'll have to go Sandslash on yo ass. "Slasher, hit 'im with Earthquake!" *My Sandslash uses Earthquake.* *Critical hit* *It's super effective!* *Jolteon faints*

RocketNinjaFish 12

93- Jolteon, return! Go blastoise! Blastoise uses hydro pump! It's super effective! The foe's sandslash fainted!

I witnessed an FML Pokémon battle. My life is complete. :D By the way, as badass as Gyarados is, he should NOT have a 4x weakness to Electric. It's sad when any decent dude can one-hit KO your Pokémon with something like Thunderbolt, even without the same-type attack bonus. :/

#122 you shouldn't have unlearned double kick for dealing with dick moves such as type advantages :p

MythsNLegends 10

It's not shocking you aren't dating that guy instead, especially considering he's classy enough to use pokemon in his insults like that.