By Snorlax - 13/04/2013 04:25 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I uploaded a cute photo of my boyfriend and me on Facebook. Ten minutes later, his friend commented: "Dude! You're supposed to capture the Snorlax, not date it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 708
You deserved it 14 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Woah. Harsh much. There is no need for his friend to be so rude. Clearly he is insensitive whereas I'm sure your boyfriend is able to see past that-considering he is dating you. As rough as it is, try and look past it? It's a reflection on him, not you.


Im sorry OP, but for some reason or another most if not not all guys have at least one douche bag friend that likes to make cruel nasty jokes about others girlfriends. I personally believe its due to insecurities they have about themselves.

I guess I fail to see how his question is irrelevant to the FML. Yes it's uncalled for and not a necessary or nice question, but it's still on topic.

It's irrelevant because her size is not the issue here; the issue is that the guy who made the comment was being a git.

Why would he do that when there is a chance he may meet you someday? He sounds like a rude prick at any rate. Don't whinge to your bf op, just plot sweet revenge! :)

Why would it matter if he might meet her one day? Should he be afraid that she's gonna eat him? Or sit on him and kill him? I think he was right to say that. Friends don't let friends date fat girls.

I guess your boyfriend didn't visit Professor Oak's lab.

Maybe he's just joking, but yeah that was quite insensitive of him.

I just Googled that little dude and it's adorable. You sound soft and cuddly and super cute. If some guy thinks that's bad, screw him.

BlueFlatts 20

I don't think "little" is the correct word. If my memory serves me correctly it weighs about over 1300lbs, maybe even a ton. Size; enough to block a road.

Google image search didn't really convey that part.

captainObviously 15

I believe in his description it says snorelax is a 2000 lb pokemon

The way I look at it, it's never a bad thing. I mean, she's adorable, always sleeping, weighs at least half a ton, can take a billion and one hits, and only has a weakness to martial artists... ...wait, where was I going with this?

YDI for such ridiculous display of affection on the dating website known as Facebook

What was the point in that last bit? "On the dating website known as Facebook" Are you trying to sound clever?

Dusty_Busters 15

It's absolutely relevant, the FML is about someone making fun of her size.

#38, #58. By irrelevant I meant that regardless of whether OP is obese it is still not something that the bfs friend had a right to say. So the question posed is irrelevant because it doesn't make what happened any more acceptable. I would still consider it an FML whether she is fat or not.