By Snorlax - 13/04/2013 04:25 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I uploaded a cute photo of my boyfriend and me on Facebook. Ten minutes later, his friend commented: "Dude! You're supposed to capture the Snorlax, not date it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 708
You deserved it 14 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Woah. Harsh much. There is no need for his friend to be so rude. Clearly he is insensitive whereas I'm sure your boyfriend is able to see past that-considering he is dating you. As rough as it is, try and look past it? It's a reflection on him, not you.


kaedynsmom0325 13

Let me guess, his friend is single..

Mayyyybe he was talking to you, not your boyfriend... I mean, YOU did post the picture.... But he probably wasn't.

hey moe why don't YOU shut the **** up ? stop asking everyone to do it and show us how well you can do it yourself. my smile shatters every time I read one of your dumb comments, you're ruining my mood, you're killing my santa clause, so go away, or say something nice, funny, relevant, before the internets knock at your door and say "you're banned, kid. hand us your keyboard and the sock you use to jack off, you doesn't exist anymore."

skyeyez9 24

I hope your bf blocked that dipshit after such a rude comment.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Have you been living under a rock for the past several years?

I'm shocked too with twitter and Instagram only old ppl still use FacebookWhere u get ur iPhone from?

Probably an Instagram or Tumblr hipster who thinks mocking Facebook makes him so cool and unique.

iammeorami 25

His friend is jealous that your boyfriend has you

savvymarie 8