By Raprotcommander - 07/02/2011 15:47 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 20/02/2016 14:19 - United States - Abington
By dypshyyt - 22/07/2014 23:20 - United States
By ash - 25/08/2011 22:57 - United States
Need beer now
By Jensen - 16/07/2021 07:01 - United States - Hoffman Estates
By geeb - 23/02/2010 18:33 - United States
By notalcoholic - 09/12/2009 05:29 - Philippines
By Anonymous - 23/11/2016 16:58
By KyngJulian - 23/04/2013 02:48 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/05/2017 20:00
By Eric - 13/05/2011 02:19
Top comments
what's so bad about using a car breakdown cover manual as a coaster?
Wow 75, you can't tell the difference anymore?
Hahah 75 I was wondering the same thing at first
OP- Call your sponsor. Call someone in your network. Don't feel embarrassed to go back to a meeting after relapsing.
agree with 139.
op isn't a very anonymous alcoholic
81 - in the UK AA is the breakdown people
at first i thought it said "AAA" and i thought "why is that bad"-"oooooohhhhhhh"
what's AA???
High Bill :)
Low Bill
High, my name is Rider. My bill isn't high. It's low. loooooooooooooow Riiiiider.
No problem, mate. Happy to help.
Cool story
wow. you're very weak willed. here's a suggestion, try using self control instead of quitting all together.
#20= cute dog. AND- quitting all together is only bad if you've been drinking very large amounts each day for a very long period of time. other than that, it's ok. if in question, consult a doctor first, or you'll know for sure if you start having seizures after 2+ weeks of being sober.
hate to prod pendatik, but, 'box of rocks*' maybe? maybe it's a regional thing.
pendatik you do realize i spelled it right the first time the second time i hadnt but its not a huge deal im not writing an essay so i dont give a **** my phone. (iphone 4) has a grammer fixing program i shut it down so i dont have to type everything perfectly so it wont change a word completely and no the **** its not a disease (alcoholism) you choose to start drinking you damage the receptors in your brain and they grow a dependancy for the extra chemical spikes and thats not a disease either im sorry if u dont agree ok i dont drink smoke huff chew sniff or do any drugs so i dont claim i have a drug related disease (which dont exist) they shall never exist
pendatik you do realize i spelled it right the first time the second time i hadnt but its not a huge deal im not writing an essay so i dont give a **** my phone. (iphone 4) has a grammer fixing program i shut it down so i dont have to type everything perfectly so it wont change a word completely and no the **** its not a disease (alcoholism) you choose to start drinking you damage the receptors in your brain and they grow a dependancy for the extra chemical spikes and thats not a disease either im sorry if u dont agree ok i dont drink smoke huff chew sniff or do any drugs so i dont claim i have a drug related disease (which dont exist) they shall never exist
JoshGHardy guy. Again, the facts are that it is a disease and that there is a genetic link and genome that says alcoholism can be inherited. Take a biology class or a health class (you might actually get into that one). So, to recap, the most educated people in those fields (biology, human/health services, etc) disagree with you. Hmmm.
Andy Bernard: When I was in college I used to get wicked hammered. My nickname was puke. I would chug a fifth of soco, sneak into a frat party, polish off a few people's empties, some brewskies, some Jell-O shots, do some body shots off myself, pass out, wake up the next morning, puke, rally, more soco, head to class. Probably would have gotten expelled if I had let it affect my grades, but I aced all my courses. They called me Ace. It was totally awesome. Got straight B's. They called me Buzz.
so you had three nicknames? moral of the story. you're a drunken dumbass. that or seriously lying to look good (apparently but I think you're just stupid)
lol I think it's halarious you took that comment seriously 33... it's from the office
lmao 27. love the office!
lolz great quote
it's the beer's fault. must've snuck into your house while you were out busy.
you fail!
Looks like you need an intervention
I personally prefer the Barrett .50 cal.
Yeah, alcoholics who want to quit. Idiot.
ur a fucktart it was a joke dumb shit
Fucktart: The Neanderthal virgin's best friend. Cheaper than a prostitute, and if you're starving you can always eat it afterwards. This is just my take on the word. Idk the exact meaning to it but it's a very fun word to say. It just kinda rolls off the tongue. Fucktart, FUCKtart, fuckTART.... I'm done now :)
No idiot just stop before you hurt yourself. There are many people who go to AA that don't want to stop in the begining. So please don't speak on what you obviously don't know. And for the girl with the wierd face, it's not a joke when people read that then think well I can't stop because people are projecting that I'd be a pussy or whatever for doing so. Guess what happens to an alcoholic like that? Jails, institutions and death! It's not a joke. FYL
oh the irony!

not working for you huh?
it's the beer's fault. must've snuck into your house while you were out busy.