By newbffswelcome - 04/08/2013 18:07 - Vietnam - Hanoi

Today, I've been getting calls for over a week on my home phone, cell phone, and the work phone at my night shift, in which someone whispers terrifying Satanic-sounding chants at me. I've now found out that the caller is my best "friend". His explanation: "You seemed lonely, man." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 839
You deserved it 4 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alexwow1 13

You have hilarious friends man

Um how exactly was that supposed to cure your loneliness??


At least it was your friend and not a complete stranger.

Just be glad it was him, and not a random homicidal maniac.

BubbleGrunge 18

Like Wednesday Addams. Though, I'd love for Wednesday Addams to be my friend!

Now scare him by pretending your possesed and you have satanic powers.

The fact he did it because he thought you were lonely means that he at least cares about your social interactions. I suppose the intentions were good?

Just call him every Wednesday afternoon & say: "Hi (insert name).. I looove youuu"

His friend WAS making time for him. Every day and night on the phone!

He just wanted to make you feel wanted. Even if it was by Satan.

jw90 18

Sounds like a good friend in my opinion.

lambsbreath 7
thatghostdude 9