By Anonymous - 01/06/2010 09:18 - United States

Today, I waited in line at a drive-through behind a man for ten minutes. I got out of my car, cursed at him, and then asked him to give me one good reason why it would take that long to order. The man slowly explained to me that he had a stutter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 190
You deserved it 130 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

anonbastard 0

Why the hell would you go screaming at the driver? The people working drive-thru could've been slow for all you know.


Wait, why are you posting here? Gtfo and tell that poor guy to get on here instead, only he deserves our sympathy.

rockera 0
Anerdimous 0

the display picture made me lol, did it hurt?

don't tell me you can't wait for 10 minutes! you are a spoiled shit.

This is why women can't be president. OP needs psychiatric help.

theteal 0

No its sexist pigs like you that make it difficult. Just because one woman is rude and totally lacking in social skills doesn't mean all women are like that.

#21... You win... ALL WOMEN NEED TO GET BACK INTO THE KITCHEN WHERE THEY BELONG... And make me a sandwich and get me a beer while your there.

#30, #32, It's probably just some kid trying to troll. By getting all irritated and replying, you're just giving him what he wants. Just ignore the little bugger, he doesn't deserve your time.

#30, you're cute #32 I'm not being sexist it's the truth #41 you're not funny #47, I am NOT a kid; I am 100% MAN!!

clearly youre single because not a single woman would put up with youre pathetic, lazy ass.

Hey asswipe, the truth isn't supposed to be funny.

did you end up having his food to, that he paid for?

shorty_traviesa 0

wow, your a total bitch, there is always a chance of drive through not being so fast, if u didnt have time to eat, u should have had time to go order food, there really was no need to be impatient

HeyLookOverThere 3

I feel for you.. It's not like you could of known that.. Relax people

She shouldn't have done that to begin with. It was a drive thru, number one. She could've left. Number two, the works does not cater to her. Ten minute wait? How vile!

u must be a ******* obese American for sure. stupid ass

not all Americans are obese but if the OP is American then he sure as hell gives the rest of us a bad name