By Anonymous - 23/01/2012 05:12 - United States

Today, I waited on an elderly man whose wife had just left him. After him going on and on about how his dog will love his leftover chicken, I nervously caught a case of verbal diarrhea and uttered, "Well, if there's chicken involved, I'll get on my knees and be your dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 399
You deserved it 36 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

for a dirty translation, maybe "if there's **** involved i'll get on my knees and be your bitch" ?

well me not understanding this is my fml. someone please comment an explanation.


kp4294 2

This isn't an fml. This is a wtf.

I don't get it either and not gonna tell you guys my intepretation LOL

One word repeated a thousand times---> HA

What does "HA" stand for? Or what does it mean? Last I checked, it was a reaction.

desireev 17

I really don't think OP was trying to be sexual at all. Hence the 'verbal diarrhea'.. It's one of those things that just accidentally blurt out. It happens to the best of us, OP! And you probably made that old man smile like no other! :)

What an idiot! I take no less than a happy meal from Mcdonalds. Girls give it way too easy these days.

Snafuusmc 12

OH. MAH. GAWD! That's kinda hot in a way I mean if I was the old man I think instant flap....

This just blew my mind. I wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall in your brain.

Mrsa7x 1

I bet you made him a very happy man.