By Anonymous - 23/01/2012 05:12 - United States

Today, I waited on an elderly man whose wife had just left him. After him going on and on about how his dog will love his leftover chicken, I nervously caught a case of verbal diarrhea and uttered, "Well, if there's chicken involved, I'll get on my knees and be your dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 395
You deserved it 36 033

Same thing different taste

Top comments

for a dirty translation, maybe "if there's **** involved i'll get on my knees and be your bitch" ?

well me not understanding this is my fml. someone please comment an explanation.


GoW_Chick 14

You know if you add a comma in there, instead of add the missing 't', it would make a completely different comment then what you were going for... "I be you, would make a good dog."

GoW_Chick 14

Looks like he won't be missing his wife in a few, poor dog might not get that chicken after all.

GoW_Chick 14

You should of just stuck with one of the comments, then people might not have noticed how much they suck, which is why OP should've kept their mouth shut, because that's all the old man can think about now...

I don't understand how you said all that. There was probably either awkwardness or a good time after that.

Woooow! Well I can see where your mind was going. I can also see the look on the poor guys face

Your picture is my favorite picture of all time. Just sayin you have good taste. Lol

I would love to know what he replied with lol

StromyG2 10

I hope you're not black. If so, F MY life.

Cynical_in_SK 6