By brebre101 - 31/07/2011 09:05 - Canada

Today, I walked in on my brother performing voodoo on a doll with my picture taped to its face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 176
You deserved it 4 921

Same thing different taste


What did you do to piss him off ?o.o

lie to your brother that your mom is actually a witch and he'll be punished if mom finds out :)

R_shellyRdgz 0

lmfaooooooooo! what a relationship u guys have

you realize that voodo is actually a healing magic, the torture/sticking pins in is all a misconception derived from films

Better knock next time. He could have been having sex with a doll with your picture on it.

You should act like the voodoo is working:P