By billjoebob424 - 19/03/2016 01:18 - Canada - Erin

Today, I walked in on my younger cousin trying to find Minecraft porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 642
You deserved it 1 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That has to be a thing. I'm sure lots of people would enjoy it.

It is actually a thing. Took me all of five seconds to find it, honestly I think almost anything has a **** version. There are some really weird things out there.

care to give a brother a link to that? or a name would be enough.

ExtremeEncounter 32

Rule #34 of the Internet: There is **** of it. No exceptions.

#11 seems unfamiliar with rules 34 and 35 of the Internet…how sad, yet at the same time ignorance is such bliss

RogueKnight 12

Rule 34 is a hell of a thing sometimes.

What's rule 34, I think I'll get a better response here than google

Rule 34: If something exists, there is a **** version of it.

Stiggy626 25

forreal you can pretty much just type "(insert random word) ****" and you'll get something. tho, you might destroy your sex drive in the process

trellz17 19

Let me know if he found any....

JudgeComrade 17

Creeper blowing skeleton bone?