By BakedBat - 21/02/2014 04:10 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, I walked into my apartment and smelled something extremely repugnant. I asked my roommate what had happened and she said, "I didn't know how else to kill it!" She'd trapped a bat that was in our apartment, put it in the oven, and set it to 400 degrees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 992
You deserved it 4 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would it even be necessary to kill it?

Why not just capture it and release it outside?? It would be less messy and more humane..


balletforever 3

here's an idea...scare the shit out of your roommate then put her in the oven and turn it to 400 degrees. Turn about's fair play.

Poor animal. Faith in humanity has been lost.

That's animal cruelty and your room mate is a moron

Why?! Don't kill bats that's just plain wrong and cruel! Their a much needed part of the environment and their cute!

fallen_dragonkin 12

that is unsettling, having a sadistic psychopath for a roommate

This might be the first FML to make me cry. Poor bat :(

squarecircles 13

Some ppl really need a smack upside the head. I'd either move, or kick 'em out. Seriously.

ImpracticalJoekr 9

Well this ruined my day. Poor thing :(

chloem103 9

That's sickening. Such a cruel thing to do. Christ wouldn't it have been easier to just let the bat outside?