By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


Next time a homeless person asks you for money, just say you have no cash/change on you and only a card.

FYL. You have no obligation to give him a single cent.

you should have just told him you used your bank card. i've never heard a homeless guy as debit or credit.

Tell him to **** off next time. It isn't your duty to give him money. Actually next time just rob the ******.

stxchickshortie 0

Hello? You "used" a credit card (:

stxchickshortie 0

TAKE HIM TO STARBUCKS! lol that way you know he/she used it for food, and you get your strawberry frapp. Although a caramel frapp is 10x better anyday(:

**** yeah, strawberry frappuccino! Awesome-tasting drinks aside, FYL. It's not like he's entitled to a donation from every person that walks down the street.

Yatta_fml 0

252, you live in Toronto. It's one of the largest cities in Canada. Of COURSE there are shelters... how old are you to be asking a question like that? You don't sound very knowledgeable on the situation, yet you are quick to jump to the defense of people you seem to know little about. A lot of homeless people will not go to a shelter unless it is freezing out. Shelters, from what I understand, do no let in bags full of whatever is is that homeless people carry around in their shopping carts, they do not have room - homeless people do not wish to part with their stuff, so stay outside. Sometimes they choose to sleep outside not even because of that reason, but because they simply don't want help (and have mental or drug related problems)... they also may sleep outside when it starts getting cold outside and the shelters fill up. Which is why they need to get there early if they want to make sure they will be able to get in for the night. You say you see people driving by in fancy cars and want to know why they can't spare change? Well they probably earned those cars, for one. They weren't handed out. You're passing judgment on the people because of what they drive is seems much the way people pass judgment on those who look homeless. You're assuming they have a lot of money to spend but that may not be true, especially with thew economy. Likewise, not all "homeless" people asking for change on the street don't have a home. Giving homeless people change doesn't do anything in terms of helping them - like I've said, why risk giving them change when they might turn around and buy drugs/alcohol with the money? If they do that with the money, you're not helping them at all, but helping them fuel an addiction that might kill them. You would be better of placing that extra change at a food bank or shelter if you're concerned about people less fortunate in your area... that way you know where the money is going. Again, like I and others have said... they AREN'T staving. Offer them food? Most don't want it. I don't understand what you're taking about poison for. I imagine you're even most parodied than most of the homeless people with that idea. If they were starving, they would eat food offered to them... they accept food from shelters every day; it's no different. You want to feed the starving? Give some money to the emaciated children in Africa. Now there's some starving people.

Keep a fistful of pennies. If you ever see the ****** again, you can pelt him with them.

Zoomin24 0

I guess that homeless people havent even heard of credit cards yet.