By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


melissapoo 0

starbucks gift card, credit card, even a check. there's other ways to pay for a frappuccino. next time tell the bum you don't have any cash.

proud_liberal 0

You selfish prick. it's your duty to provide for the poor and you buy starbucks and lie? You could have been homeless just as easy, it's all just luck of the draw. You should find this guy again and give him a lot of money for you being a selfish bastard before.

lolzforfun228 3

to the guy above me: you are a dick. Just because some dumbfuck didn't finish 3rd grade (im assuming this is you too) doesn't mean you have to give them jack shit. It's not just "luck of the draw". There is some luck, but a lot of it has to do with the person themselves. And you dont have any ******* "duty" to give this dumb ******* asshole any money. I say you should kick him in the gut when he follows you for 3 blocks crying and swearing because he doesn't know how to do addition and you didn't give him money.

cactus_fml 0

I thought the same thing as 180. Besides, a lot of times when you give bums money they just buy booze. Like one time this homeless man came up to my mom and I at a gas station and asked for money, so we told him we'd meet him across the street at Burger King and buy him whatever he wanted, as much as he wanted. He got all rude and was like, "no, just give me the money!"

pumpkincakes 3

its not change if you need it

cactus_fml 0

I thought the same thing as 180. Besides, a lot of times when you give bums money they just buy booze. Like one time this homeless man came up to my mom and I at a gas station and asked for money, so we told him we'd meet him across the street at Burger King and buy him whatever he wanted, as much as he wanted. He got all rude and was like, "no, just give me the money!"

proud_liberal 0

#315 lolzforfun u are an idiot. It is luck of the draw. Not everyone has rich mommoies and daddies like you. Hard work is a myth created by rich white republicans. Fact

xxaaaxx 0

you can afford a $5 cup of coffee but u can'y afford to give a homeless guy some spare change?!?!?!?!?

I put FYL, but it was kinda YDI as you let him follow you for three blocks abusing you for something you had no obligation to. I don't really think homeless people deserve to be homeless, or have no right to ask for money, but I also don't think anyone is obliged to give money to those who need it. There's a lot of people who need charity as much or more than that guy, and it's your choice who you decide to help, or not. People saying you should have given him money, "should" sponsor a starving child in Africa or donate to helping families in Palestine who are also homeless, and live every day with the risk of being killed. Unless you are a complete communist, you can't really say some "should" give money to anyone, just because they have spare money. Basically, I think most of the people commenting in this should be a little less extreme in their beliefs, one way or the other.