By Jebus - 07/06/2009 20:46 - United States

Today, I walked to Starbucks. On the way a homeless guy asked me for change and I lied and said I had no money. On my way back, Strawberry Frappuccino in hand, the same guy recognized me. He followed me for 3 blocks, swearing and yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 137
You deserved it 60 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're not obliged to give your money to a bum anyway!

Haha. This happened to me once, just keep on walking and drop a couple of quarters to keep him occupied while you make an escape.


FYL for not telling him you paid for your drink with a card.

bums are a dredge on society. They should all be rounded up and promptly and efficiently executed

This is why I rarely give homeless people money. Only food. Or coffee when it's cold. One time I was walking down a street near campus where a lot of the students shop and eat, and a homeless guy asked for change. I told him all I had was a card and he asked me to buy him a meal. I don't even eat at any of the places there but two or three times a semester because it's too expensive... I hate pushy homeless people.

simplicityx3 0

I can't stand pusHy people. Bottom line is you don't owe anyone else YOUR money.. You found a source of income, and because you're more fortunate doesn't mean you HAVE to hand your money out. Is a nice gester? Yes. But if someone started harassing me over me wanting to keep my own money, I'd throw a fit.

omg just say you only have your debit or credit card that's what I always do it's not like you're gonna go take money out, get change and give it to the hobo but if you are gonna get a hobo something, just get him something to eat, they always appreciate that, instead of money cause they might buy drugs or beer

This homeless individuals is not entitled to a single cent of your money. But it's not exactly cool to lie either. Just do what I do: acknowledge that your money isn't for them.

#242 i know that they do have certain resources, but in toronto people treat them like skum. im not saying everybody but most. also a lot of them have mental illnesses and their family has abandoned them so they have no choice to be homeless. i see this all the time people driving buy in big fancy cars and never even stoping to give a bit of change. obviously they didnt have the right to run after the OP like that but they could have given them a bit of change. if they have so much and the homless people have less than nothing. i dont understand why people cant be a little compassionate. as for the shelter, i wasnt aware we had one. i still dont know. mabye there would be less homeless people on the streets if we had more shelters. as for giving them food, how do they know its not tainted or poisoned. they probably realized that mabye some people obviously dont want them there and think their scum. also whould you know if one out of thousands of homless people died. if i were them i wouldnt take food either. BTW if there are homless shelters why do i see homeless people wrapped in a sleeping bag in winter, freezing to death.

FYL. I've dealt with situations sort of like that. I live in Boston, so there's a lot of homeless people around. If they look like they're not drunk or on drugs, I'll give them some change. But if not I keep on walking, which has caused me to be "cursed" by the same Chinese drunk man who "lives" on my block about 7 times. Most of those times I actually didn't have anything under a $20 on me, and I wasn't about to give him my spending money so he can go buy some Sambuca. Although one time he "cursed" me and I stubbed my toe 5 minutes later. But yeah, you're not obligated to give him anything so you didn't deserve it. He's an arsehole. And FHL for being homeless and having a horrible attitude.