By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


Wow you are such a kiss ass...why would you care? You're not the teacher...

lauralavenderbab 0

Wadda bitch Jokes but maybe OP you should read the note first

missalice0306 19

While I agree that the OP was just doing his job, he should have read the note before deciding to rip it up. It's what several of my teachers do and it works fine.

sovietonion 9

(Sorry about #940; my long comment got partially eaten.) I understand that the OP was doing his/her job by preventing students from cheating, but why couldn't the OP have quietly confiscated the note and the test and taken the student outside to investigate the issue? The OP deliberately chose the route that maximised both public humiliation for the student and disruption of the test for everyone else. For that, YDI. Also, I'm inclined to think that the student was either very young or suffering from debilitating psychological issues; either way, looking at the note during the test showed that he was desperate for reassurance. The OP's theatrics probably gave him a breakdown.

sovietonion 9
sovietonion 9

Sorry for the double post in #942. #941 didn't display and I thought it hadn't gotten through. DD:

Woah . That's harsh. :/ Poor kid though . You owe the kid an apology.