By Noname - 26/02/2009 15:30 - United States

Today, I was a TA for a history class and the class was taking a test. About halfway through, I noticed one kid had a small piece of paper in his hand. I ran up the row, grabbed his test, and ripped it into four pieces. Then I took the note from him. It said "I believe in you, -Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 102
You deserved it 476 118

Same thing different taste


I was a TA and didn't do shit I even helped some kids cheat

missbadluk 0

Oh wow. Poor kid. How do you smooth that one over??? :-/ take the kid a new test and say "sorry" ad make him start all over again?? Wow.

MiaLoves 8

OR MAYBE IT WAS CODE. every second letter an answer? I think it's funny know one has thought about that. thinkin outside the box. :D ps, OP, you're a douche.

Nexus_surgeon 7

I hope you know about Vendetta.

chenny2013 10

Wow. Ur a bitch. Don't jump to conclusions.

robl40 0

I bet you the poor kid that now deserves a good grade started crying. I know if i was him i would smack you and say jeeze bi@ch somones time of the month.

he's a TA and he was doing his job. You know the one he gets paid to do. When he said he ran to get the paper he probably meant that he just went to go get it, I don't think he was expecting his FML to get dissected for every little thing he did wrong. The only thing I can blame him on was that he didn't check the note. And in all honesty the kid was by most state laws: CHEATING. Because in most schools especially on big tests like this you never know if the kids making a cheat sheet for another student. Plus maybe the professor told the TA to react like that. Either way get of the ******* guys back it's not his fault he made a mistake and it's not like the kid can never take the test again, if the teacher sees the predicament he'll probably just make the kid stay after one day and take the test.