By thanks, my fellow americans - 18/04/2013 21:41 - United States - Woodlyn

Today, I was again turned down by a potential host family on a student exchange site. Their reasoning was basically that since I'm American, I might do something to endanger my health, get hurt, and then sue them over my own stupidity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 705
You deserved it 13 660

Same thing different taste

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Sucks to be on the reciving end of that. The reputation of both health and legal issues of americans are imfamous outside it. I have been to the US (exchance student myself) and found them to be very nice and open people. ... even so, not sure I wouldnt have done the same. Cause you gotta protect yourself yeh ? :/

Come to New Zealand! We have a no-fault compensation scheme so even if you DO do something stupid you'll get your treatment free and the families won't use your stupidity as a reason not to host you because you can't sue them for injury :)

jeebus. that is rough. we Canadians tend to think ourselves superior. we are not. but no one assumes this of us. I feel your pain..... but I'm jus sayin

WE deserve it. Too many f'n lawyers in this country that make stupid people rich.

Not sure if its bad or funny that a bunch of comments state they should sue them instead. Way to carry on the stereotype...

OP, I'm curious as to what exchange organization this is for. Most legit organizations won't tell you when a host family has rejected you, and even if they did, they wouldn't tell you why. Can you give me the name of the exchange organization you're with, so I can see if it's one of the ones I know? I work with exchange students.

I don't blame them. Society is stupid and does things without thinking. If I was a foreigner I'd do the same.

LegendofZelda88 8

I'm sorry OP. My thanks to every lazy fat person, every just plain lazy person, and every person that purposely does stupid shit. The fault is on you failures that America has been stereotyped to this.