By thanks, my fellow americans - 18/04/2013 21:41 - United States - Woodlyn

Today, I was again turned down by a potential host family on a student exchange site. Their reasoning was basically that since I'm American, I might do something to endanger my health, get hurt, and then sue them over my own stupidity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 705
You deserved it 13 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well Its still a better reason than thinking you maybe wanted to bring your weapons, or start a war for fun! ( witch both are not american style at all ;-) )

In their defence... they could be right.

Americans, we sue through our one hundred years of life... apparently.

Well, I'd say it's because it's "those sort of Americans" that makes an appearance on TV and so... though I suppose the host family is equally stupid, for thinking ALL Americans are like that. Good luck, though. ^^

That's what you get for being American and living in the land of the free where we can do shit like sue...

.... people in other countries can sue, too. The difference is that the US is more prone to over-suing and frivolous lawsuits.

onorexveritas 23

other countries can be just as stereotypical as ours can be. keep trying op

bimbim_fml 6

So it's fml, because now you won't be able to sue them, right?