By Unfortunately Me - 09/01/2014 00:54 - United States - San Jose

Today, I was asked to go to a ball by the guy I like. The theme is masquerade. He made me a Robin mask; he's wearing a Batman mask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 101
You deserved it 12 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why your complaining, I marvel at your costume.

josebaseball11 14

Don't complain, he could have made you wear a Bane mask.


I've been sitting here trying figure out how this is an FML.

That was going to be my question... how is this an FML?

Moonlessnite 5

It's the thought that counts?

Medd_fml 13

Maybe he's heard the theories that Batman is secretly in love with Robin. So maybe you should be happy OP, or really concerned.

You mean "Seduction of the Innocent" and the reason the Comics Code came about and killed most non-superhero comic genres? Until the code was dropped, good luck running a Horror Anthology, either you don't get the approval and no one will stock it or you follow the code and it sucks. Yikes.

geeze some chicks complain about the dumbest things. i would of been honored to sport that mask.