By Idontdance - 23/08/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I was at a friend's party. All of the sudden, my friend goes, "Ok girls, get a guy to dance with." Then everyone scrambled to find someone. There was just enough guy-girl pairs. This hot girl and I were the only two left. She looked at me and said, "Umm, I have to use the bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 194
You deserved it 4 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tonyDlolli 0

maybe her period was more important than you

Whoa..... did you dance alone anyway?


owch i know how that feels. happened to me couple times but at least u weren't called a looser. i really hate they can't just sucj it up and be nice even 4 a night

I would have said "who wants to dance with an anorestic **** anyway" bitch haha

Haha yeah man people with Anorestia are stupid

moonlight_daze 8

YDI for not realizing you're a hopeless loser who will one day die alone.

moonlight_daze 8

Stop being a pussy and stop Bitching. If you dressed nicer, took care of yourself, or weren't such a nerd, shed want to dance with you. Calm the **** down and ask a friend for some fashion help, preferrably a good looking girl-friend (I'm a guy and I admit girls have the best fashion sense) if not, ask your mom.

Sheds can dance? Well, that would explain the hoedown noise coming from my neighbor's yard every Saturday night.

TrentHawkins 0

My friend, it is a bit late now, but you should have loudly, clearly, spoken, to her friends: "Wow, she's eager isn't she?" then turned to her and said: "One step at a time; let's just dance first." -Trent H

It's becase you say "all of the sudden". it's "all of a sudden" you tool.

"It's becase you say "all of the sudden". it's "all of a sudden" you tool." HAHAHAHAHA, I was going to say that exact same thing! ******* hilarious. But seriously, "all of the sudden"? What the hell? Just look at it. It doesn't even look like it makes any sense

girlnamedkris 0

YDI FOR SAYING "ALL OF THE SUDDEN". End of discussion.

I clicked YDI as soon as I read that. Such a pet peeve.