By TheRawrza - 26/04/2009 09:47 - United States

Today, I was at a pool party. Standing outside of the pool, I was hesitant about taking my shirt off. A girl in the pool shouted "Hey, you're not the only fat one here, don't feel bad!". I was worried about what my friends would think of my new bellybutton ring, I don't think I'm fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 246
You deserved it 8 275

Same thing different taste

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La_la_loo 0

The girl probably assumed that she didn't want to take her shirt off because she thought she was fat. A lot of girls who are super skinny think they are fat so she was probably trying to coax her.

If you were hesitant to take ur shirt off, y did u get a bellybutton ring in the first place?


That's when you say "neither are you, sweetie. Too bad about your face though."

You're not supposed to swim with a belly button piercing if it's new anyway. It WILL get infected.

It's pathetic when people need to insult others to feel better about themselves. That was so clear with my very insecure friend. I would be made fun of my every body part my friend was insecure about even thought there was nothing 'wrong' with my body. That eventually stopped after my friend realized I didn't really care about the comments and was completely satisfied with the way my body is.