By Our Talisman - 01/08/2010 19:41

Today, I was at a red light when the guy next to me gave me that look people give when they want a street race. I won, but I should've seen the word "Sheriff" written on the side of his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 849
You deserved it 82 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

Wow, with an eyesight as good as yours you prolly shouldn't be driving anyway, so I hope he took your license.

TeeHooligan 0

Comments least u won...? but seriously that's really stupid u shouldn't be having "street races"

your car must suck bro... your girl sure does.

Silkie 0

Well atleast he wasn't a real sheriff or it would have spelled right ^_^

randomviolet 0

usually in cartoons they wear big hats  poor op 

randomviolet 0

So the pretty blue and red light bar didn't tip you off? YDI.

At what point did you consider yourself winning? When you got in front of him for what I'm assuming was a split second...or when you had to stop while you were ahead, because you heard sirens? Maybe saw some flashing lights. Possibly, a combination of both.

happy_ending 0

honestly can anyone be that ****** dumb? really