By Our Talisman - 01/08/2010 19:41

Today, I was at a red light when the guy next to me gave me that look people give when they want a street race. I won, but I should've seen the word "Sheriff" written on the side of his car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 849
You deserved it 82 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_good_times 0

Wow, with an eyesight as good as yours you prolly shouldn't be driving anyway, so I hope he took your license.

TeeHooligan 0


your an idiot. should've gone to specsavers....

there are places u can get free exams ya know i recomend it

sallen0046 4

First of all, you're a complete idiot for trying to race anyone at a stop light. Do you have any idea how many accidents occur at intersections every day? One person moving slowly through a yellow light and you could have ended up dead. Secondly, how incredibly stupid to you have to be not to notice a MARKED police car? You don't deserve to have a license.

well if you would ever street race you would learn that most lights have a three second delay before the other turns green. intersections are dangerous because of idiots who run reds not because of racing

what type of post qualifies for being moderated? no cursing, no derogatory marks, yet still moderated. is there any rhyme or reason to this madness?

One that breaks the rules you agreed to follow when you accepted the TOS. Irrelevant or disrespectful comments (even w/o cursing) and calling fake are the most common reasons, I think, but there are others. Read the rules, and if you still don't know, PM a moderator or email the staff.

dickster 0

Sooooo you are in love with street racing, the sheriff, or going to jail? it's unclear.

dickster 0

I mean "are you" and "It's".

Hwikek 2

Number 1 It should say "In India I'm Food" I say this as a Briton

BallinJ 0

how could u not tell it was the police? dummy.