By Mason_Jayson - 22/03/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was at a sandwich shop and couldn't help but secretly remove a loose hair from a girl standing in front of me. I yanked it and she instantly began screaming and crying. It was in fact a very long mole hair. The thing started bleeding like a gunshot wound. My apologies went unnoticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 864
You deserved it 168 643

Mason_Jayson tells us more.

This is my FML. In my UNDESERVED defense...I do have a little OCD, I work in healthcare and automatically want to help when I see something like that, and there may have been a few beers involved. I'm not a pervert and have never done anything like that before (and you had better believe since). And for those who are curious: the mole was on her shoulder and the hair I touched was down by her shoulderbladeish area. This sucker was LONG.

Top comments

Which is why you never, ever let your OCD take control when in public.

xjbearx 0

while that really sucks for you, i gotta say. you just don't do stuff like that to strangers.


oooh_dear 0

ive done that before too. just pull a random hair. but if you have to yank to get rid of the "loose" hair. then obviously its not loose. youre not a very smart or gentle person. sorry.

haha @19 did anyone who witnessed that still buy a sandwich?

strawberry65 0

hahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahhahahahahhaaha omg when i read that i could not stop laughing that is HILARIOUS.

Meow34 0

You have OCD like I do, huh? LMAO. Next time.. don't touch somebody you don't know, js.

Wildcard 0

i'm surprised she didn't turn around and punch you in the face! of course your apologies went unnoticed that is the most disgusting thing i've ever heard the hair from your own head is gross enough as it is and you HAD to touch some random other persons hair?? how incredibly disgusting and obnoxious

wow that is really disgusting and unfortunate for both of you..ew. never touch other people you don't know..i think that's like rule #1.. now i'm waiting for.."today, someone came up to me and pulled my mole hair and i started bleeding..."

vitaminsandminer 0

ok i dont understand why you yanked on it... if it was just a loose hair and you didnt want them to notice you should have definitely done it slowly