By Mason_Jayson - 22/03/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was at a sandwich shop and couldn't help but secretly remove a loose hair from a girl standing in front of me. I yanked it and she instantly began screaming and crying. It was in fact a very long mole hair. The thing started bleeding like a gunshot wound. My apologies went unnoticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 864
You deserved it 168 643

Mason_Jayson tells us more.

This is my FML. In my UNDESERVED defense...I do have a little OCD, I work in healthcare and automatically want to help when I see something like that, and there may have been a few beers involved. I'm not a pervert and have never done anything like that before (and you had better believe since). And for those who are curious: the mole was on her shoulder and the hair I touched was down by her shoulderbladeish area. This sucker was LONG.

Top comments

Which is why you never, ever let your OCD take control when in public.

xjbearx 0

while that really sucks for you, i gotta say. you just don't do stuff like that to strangers.


PYLrulz 17

I hope she knocked your dumb ass out

victoria4161993 0

who has a mole with that long of a hair at least trim it or something

You guys can't eat while READING this? I once watched a video of a guy getting maggots pulled out of his nose while eating.

Did it make a BANG noise when you pulled it out?

wat, may i ask, were u planing to do with that hair?

That is funny as hell...kind of disturbing but funny!

So fake. I can't believe more people aren't calling bs on this one. There are no major blood vessels that suppy hair follicles whether the follicles in question are in moles or not. Only tiny capillaries supply hair follicles, none of which carry enough blood to cause bleeding that would be associated with a gunshot wound. Come on people. Use your brains.

LOL to all the comments freaking out about touching random people. and to answer how it would bleed like a gunshot wound, he probably uprooted the damn mole itself rofl! I am amused, this is a good Fml :)

That's what you get for being nice to people.