By NotSoYoung - 17/06/2009 16:35 - Canada

Today, I was at McDonald's and I was going through the drive-thru. As I was driving away, I checked my food and the lady had given me a Night at the Museum Happy Meal toy by mistake. I got so excited that I crashed the car into a pole. I'm 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 817
You deserved it 70 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dracer 0

The little joys are the best?

kmander93 0

you're ridiculous, though I would do the same


HAUAHAUHAUAHAUHAUAH dont feel bad though, those things always happens to me when I get excited... HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHah

stxchickshortie 0

Well I bet the guy who owns the pole wasn't nearly excited as you

OMG I think I had a heart attack laughing after I read your comment!

blondegurl718 0

Hahahahaha, dumbass. Lol, you still got tha toy, right?

That made me laugh. Instead of "Your life is f***ed/YDI" I think it should be "Funny/Not funny". Of course you derserved it but I still laughed at that. +1 

nicolexsmile 0

HAHAHA holy shit that just made my day :D well you gotta get overly excited sometime or another, or else lifes no fun :)

LOL idk why butb this was the funniest fml I've read in a long long time!

lovesucksxxx 0

That's pathetic, dude. Embarrassment to our gender.

why would you drive while checking your meal?

alex_vik 0

Some people shouldn't get behind a wheel. Obviously maturity doesn't always come from age.