By NotSoYoung - 17/06/2009 16:35 - Canada

Today, I was at McDonald's and I was going through the drive-thru. As I was driving away, I checked my food and the lady had given me a Night at the Museum Happy Meal toy by mistake. I got so excited that I crashed the car into a pole. I'm 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 817
You deserved it 70 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dracer 0

The little joys are the best?

kmander93 0

you're ridiculous, though I would do the same


Its the little things in life that matter huh?:)

She must have accidentally given you my mother's meal.

itsgen 16

haha this is funny but cute in a funny way omg i get excited when they do that too and im 14 but ahh i dont care sry about ur car tho

esassd 0

First of all, what a freak-a-zoid. Second, well what can i say it's where a kid could be a kid. Oh wait, that's chuckie cheese! Grow up you excited boner boy fruit bowl.

tonia_fml 0

lmfao. i found this one hysterical.

HAHAHAHAHA OMG THATS SO FUNNY xD!!! Still srry 4 the car though. But next time KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!