By Anonymous - 31/12/2010 19:03 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house and badly needed to pee. Just as I was about to say I had to go to the bathroom, my boyfriend suddenly put his hands around my stomach and picked me up. He hit just the right spot, causing me to empty my bladder then and there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 355
You deserved it 4 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

Shouldnt have waited that long.


ckjacques53198 0

wow I'm really a perverted dude and yet that totally turns me off

KFCkoolaidWaterm 0

Would you like some Pampers, OP?

spanelli 16

That's .. I actually have nothing positive to say.. It's just so weird.. Lols I never knew there was a "right spot" that made you pee.. I learned something new today :) Lol

ur2nvthis85 3

pushing on your bladder is the right spot??

I'll bet HE was pissed off! ... errrr, on. *smirk*

No, no. Not pissed off, he was pissed on, my good friend. XD

Choconumm 8
zach055 23

I second this. A video would be nice too.

maddyjayneexox 4

hahaa, that's awk sauce... now I just wonder what happened after you..emptied yourself.