By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 09:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house, when I needed the loo. The door was ajar, so I walked into his bathroom, sat down, and started to pee. I then looked up to see the shocked face of his dad sitting naked in the bath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 764
You deserved it 10 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you made a good FIRST impression!

Now that's just awkward... next time "loo"k before you leak... Imagine if he got a boner... FYL indeed


erika0225 0

hahaha that is just too funny!!!!!!

I had a similar experience in the past. I was getting naked in the bathroom to take a bath and when I was just finishing one of my sister's friends entered. We looked each other in shock and she dashed out.

in a situation like this.... do you finish or not?

Big_Al120 0

you should have just played it off like you never even noticed or didnt even care he was there. that woulda lead to a comical face-to-face later on. or even better, you could have started takin a dump and forced him out of his own bathroom. unless of course he stayed, which would be weird. then you'd know to stay away from ol daddy-o from then on

It's his fault for leaving the door open, and it's her fault for not looking around.

WTF gross dad for not closing and locking the door