By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 09:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house, when I needed the loo. The door was ajar, so I walked into his bathroom, sat down, and started to pee. I then looked up to see the shocked face of his dad sitting naked in the bath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 764
You deserved it 10 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you made a good FIRST impression!

Now that's just awkward... next time "loo"k before you leak... Imagine if he got a boner... FYL indeed


ok, that has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard!!!

Should have knocked i guess? Even if its open. I always have the habit of knocking or checking out even if the door is open. :)) Anyway's it happens even when some1 uses the bathroom it's not a good idea to let the door open. And having a bathroom and a toilet attached together is not really practical.

Ha ha ha ha ha....this is the funniest FML I have read!! LOL

LeoCor 19

Why have the toilet in the bathroom?

how could you not notice a man in the tub?

Oh please. You seriously didn't notice a naked ban in the tub? ydi

Oh come on. How could anyone not notice a naked man in the bathtub??? ydi

peterblack67 9

How could you possibly not notice a man in a tub?