By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 09:17 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house, when I needed the loo. The door was ajar, so I walked into his bathroom, sat down, and started to pee. I then looked up to see the shocked face of his dad sitting naked in the bath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 764
You deserved it 10 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you made a good FIRST impression!

Now that's just awkward... next time "loo"k before you leak... Imagine if he got a boner... FYL indeed


Raiden353 0

Udi for not checking first. Also, wtf is a "loo"?

EricJ 3

YDI for not looking around first.

thatisjank 0

There are so many things wrong with this situation. Haha, but you made me laugh, good job Einstein..

OP: YDI for using the word loo. and not looking before you sat down. well on a good note, he probly didn't see anything. maybe. i wonder if he knows if you do landscaping ?

havocbeast 0

there is nothing wrong with using ENGLISH language we invented it ****** yanks start using it propely

starberries 0

No, actually, you didn't. Your ancestors did, a long, long time ago. Since the beginnings of what is now known as "English", the language has changed so much that it's almost unrecognisable. American English came about because some ENGLISH people came here and the language evolved, as language does. Modern English, as spoken in the United Kingdom, has much more in common with American English than it does with Old English.

naked, in the bathtub? who wouldve guessed??

I'm a ******* naughty bitch. Beat me hard. It makes me horny.

AshKetchum18 0
Splayd 10

British say "loo," and ANYONE who isn't an ignorant buffoon says "ajar".

Laurennic 2

Ugh people like you irk me :-/ ajar is a word that most educated people use, it isn't an exclusively brittish word.