By jackelking - 25/05/2009 08:33 - United States

Today, I was at my friends' farm and we decided that we wanted to go to their old treehouse. When we got down there, it turned out my friend Cat had forgotten her shoes. Being a gentleman, I lent her my sandals. I then climbed the treehouse, fell out, and got a nail through my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 056
You deserved it 6 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The sandal wouldn't have stopped the nail, anyway.

Colleennn1579 0

At least you were a gentleman(:


sararoxx 0

oooh , oooow! but the sandal wouldnt have stopped the nail anyway , so its okaay . you were a gentlemen ! thats so sweet. :)

ClickClickCamera 0

how does someone forget shoes? that really sucks I'm sorry

XBriXBrutalityX 0

Aw, that's just not right. You end up getting hurt because you were being nice. You have my sympathy.

quit being a little bitch. are you tryin to marry her. then **** her

well sandal still will not protect I from nails

JustinBieberIsOK 0

It wouldn't help much but it would stop it a little

I don't think it woulda been any different if u were wearing sandals anyways