By jackelking - 25/05/2009 08:33 - United States

Today, I was at my friends' farm and we decided that we wanted to go to their old treehouse. When we got down there, it turned out my friend Cat had forgotten her shoes. Being a gentleman, I lent her my sandals. I then climbed the treehouse, fell out, and got a nail through my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 056
You deserved it 6 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The sandal wouldn't have stopped the nail, anyway.

Colleennn1579 0

At least you were a gentleman(:


omfg i feel sooo srry for u!! that musta hurt like hell... :(

Next time don't be so sexist and think women are lesser then you wouldn't have pain in your bitch ass foot. Cry to your dad.

cantth1nk0fnam3 3

no good deed goes unpunished

fml1358 0

aww that sucks. but i doubt that the sandals would have stopped a nail and at least you were being nice and giving her your shoes so you should be proud for being a gentleman

FYL not only for the pain, but for that tetanus shot you're gonna be needing.

You should be happy, you never broke your shoes.

l33tm0nk3y 0

That's basically the whole point of being gentlemanly and chivalrous - put yourself in danger in order to minimize it for others. And to be fair, I really doubt having your sandals would have helped much if you fell out of a treehouse and landed on a nail. Either way, you're probably gonna have a nail in your foot.

dancing_bear 0

Maybe she thought she could manage without shoes but when they got to the tree house there were loads of branches around or something so she realised she couldn't? Anyway, to be honest wearing the sandals wouldn't have really helped, and that was very nice of you. I hope your foot gets better soon.

SS4_Spike 0

definitely agree with #2 but how did u fall out... lol? failure?