By GreatAim - 23/09/2009 05:55 - United States

Today, I was at my friends house for the first time in months. I saw her newest chihuahua dog, Mickey, and he was excited that new people were over. I picked him up and slightly bounced him in the air. Because of the bounce and his excitement, he peed a little bit, straight into my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 208
You deserved it 34 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiniatureMayhem 0
that_guy321 2

you, my good sir/ma'am, fail miserably


at ifruit if you want a smart dog I think german shepards are the best

Lmao. nice one. I have a chihuahua and she pees when new people come over. lol.

I think I'll be sticking to my mini dachshund. xD I like chihuahuas just the same, but if they tend to do that... (My dog doesn't pee when she's excited thankfully).

Be happy for two reasons. 1) it didn't have AIDS.. That we know of. 2) it didn't take a dump on you while you were sleeping.

Koalafrau_fml 0

Small dogs pee, indeed. One more reason for me to prefer cats (plus, cats don't run to you jumping and barking as if they were being tortured while they are happy).

yeah cats just give you a death stare as you walk past them at times....and hiss at you if you say something that all :D I'm not saying all cats are like that only most :o

Jonathan33 0