By Anonymous - 21/02/2010 12:56 - United States

Today, I was at the beach with my boyfriend in Key West. I had gotten a bikini wax and new swimsuit for the occasion. My boyfriend was being romantic until he pulled a long hair from a mole on my leg. It's all fun and games until the mole starts bleeding, profusely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 429
You deserved it 4 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments


makc5point3vtec 0

wait.......why does the mole have a hair when its on your leg? dont u shave? thats not cool

get a pair of scissors and a bag of salt problem solved

saranottelling 7

For some reason when I read "with my boyfriend in Key West" I thought it said, "with my boyfriend, Kanye West." I was really confused, I should read more carefully.

I agree with 27. You have less than a week to live. Bloody mole is the last sign.

hypergrafia 1

I don't understand the connection between the bikini wax and the whole mole thing. In fact, I think you could have just posted "Today, my boyfriend pulled a hair from my mole" and that would have been bad enough in itself. What are you, chimpanzees?

what if it was like a inch big she said mole so it must be a bog one that been there for a while

Ajjas013 6

Thank you CMH, maybe purplemnm can be more considerate and appreciative of awesome movies. *Cuts a slice of cake*

Miss_SD 0

ur telling me that u get a bikini wax, new bikini and u don't know ur body well enough to check for grose moll hairs and the affect of pulling them out..... please..... you totally deserve it

Get that checked out ASPA. I had something just like that happened. It got bigger afte that and now I have skin joke.