By Anonymous - 22/01/2017 16:00

Today, while I was at the gym, I saw a guy walk into the girls locker room. I was walking nearby so I said, "Hey man, that's the wrong one." Turns out it was just a very masculine-looking woman, with a very masculine haircut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 805
You deserved it 2 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't really assume someone's gender nowadays

Don't even stress it OP. People who look like that do it on purpose and I'm sure they get comments like that all the time. If they get mad over it, maybe they should take some classes on anger management.


I came here to leave a comment before they deactivate the comments

Isa_fml 20
andriod18 4

Hey man honest mistake don't sweat it! It's so hard to tell the gender of some people nowadays!! But still a pretty good laugh!