By nicknick2 - 18/05/2011 16:08 - United States

Today, I was at Walmart with my mom, when a guy next to me let out a series of vicious farts. Assuming it was me, my mom chewed me out in front of the guy and made me apologize. The man looked at my mom and said, "Children, they're so immature." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 074
You deserved it 3 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SmelloJello 9

After your mom stopped chewing you out, u shoulda just farted in her face and giggled.


haha that's hilarious! sorry I bet that guy was cracking up inside


Why wouldn't he wanna take credit for those bad boys?!

perdix 29

He who smelt it, dealt it. Nice try. You might want to practice asshole Kegels so you can let out gas in small, controlled bursts, instead of "vicious farts.". Shame on you for trying to pin it on some innocent man.

catcrazy101 2

hey #41 u did the rhyme, u do the crime

RockstarRN 10

Hahaha! I'm sorry, that's funny!

at least someone wanted to have her smuts them and she's not a loner xD I think she's pretty though (and no I'm not a lesbian)