By Embarressed... - 04/08/2010 10:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I was babysitting for my mum's friend. I put her little boy on my knee, and he kept pulling at my top. I asked him "are you hungry?" He replied "No, I want to see your titties." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 586
You deserved it 11 336

Same thing different taste


imright24 0

10-year-olds stopped feeding like that years ago.

lmao.. that's so funny! kids def speak their minds!

If the kid can talk why the hell is he still breast feeding. that's just wrong.

CovertMilitance 0

This kid should hang out with the big guys at a bar

randomviolet 0

haha he probly watches to much **** haha it ia a joke and how old was he??!?!

kam8909 0

least ya know he's straight....

beancoinc 0

I am not hungry but I sure would enjoy seeing them and getting a little taste too, see what I get for being a bottle baby, kisses & smiles!

I would like to adopt this child and train him... He seems to have the potential to be a great perv one day.

thats not an fml.... there's nothing depressing about people wanting to see your ****. what's wrong with you?