By notamum - 29/03/2014 02:07 - Australia - Belmont

Today, I was babysitting my 4-month-old niece at the park, when a woman came up to me and said, "Don't worry, dear. You'll get your figure back soon." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 648
You deserved it 4 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the kind of situation where you're torn between feeling grateful because the sentiment is nice or insulted because you (indirectly) just got called fat.

Aww, that would be rude even if you were the mom. :( sorry op.


dntsweatsmstuff8 5

Old people don't think twice before saying rude things, I know!

Sadgirox 7

this us why I'm never leaving the US

Wow I'm sorry I was with my little sister an she is 7 an I'm 14 an this lady walked up to me at the park an said "you should have waited to have a daughter now your life is going to be messed up an left" an my little sister started running after her lol

it never ceases to surprise me, how many people find it acceptable to comment on other peoples appearances.

Only if it's a complement. Not like, a sexual complement, though. :P

Even if you were the baby's mother, that's a horrible thing for anyone to say. Some people have no manners.

doglover100 28

You should've told her to mind her own business.