By mandy - 10/04/2009 15:35 - United States

Today, I was babysitting my neighbor's kid. We were playing in the yard, when he fell and got a small scratch on his leg. I gasp, and he takes a huge breath in and yells, "FUUUCK!!!" as loud as possible. The parents thought it was me, and the mother slapped me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 287
You deserved it 3 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EffinWhosLife 0

I hate the kind of parents that think their kids are so perfect, that they would never do anything wrong. If i were you, I would've slapped her and left. (I would slap my Aunt too, if she weren't family.)

MooKee 0

That's rude, you should have slapped her back! XOhah DID You at least get paid


Realfaction 0

Americans seem to be losing their senses day after day..... Not saying everybody is, but you know what I mean by that.

pancakelover 0

Where do kids be learning these sentence enhancers?

Sigh, ignorant people. More sad is how everyone's learning how to swear at younger and younger ages.

watermelon_fml 0

i doubt this happend. really...i dont think she would have slapped you.

dk_fml 0

Slapped you? What the hell's wrong with her??

Ows_fml 0

I hope you gave her a piece of your mind and told her to raise kids with better manners!

Luv4pink1721 0

I would have slapped her right back twice as hard and said she should raise her kids not to swear instead of blaming you

I get she's mad cause she thought you were cussing in front of the kid but it's not like she's teaching her kid any better then how she thought u were.

I would have slapped her back then called the cops telling her she hit me. That was not even your fault & it was her kid stupid lady who in the world does she think she is. Just for a stupid word man if she goes to school then she would have LOTS of problems for slapping all those kids for cursing.

fckaduck 0

Wtf, you can't just go around slapping people. I hope you beat her ass.